My self        
My Name Mohammad Faiz Rabbani (Romeo)

I'm a very Interesting fellows, who's very hard to understand. A selfless attitude towards anyone whom I come across with I'm of a very friendly nature and love to be with people who are n't selfish.

Ambitious can do anything to achieve my aim. I'm of a very competitive nature but love to find good in every things I see According to me , there are many things that make us depressed or upset, but that doesn't means that we stop living. In fact, problems are a sign of life. They make us believe that we are living.The only people who have no problem are in cemeteries. So we shall be fortunate that we have problems. It enhance our minds.

I'm a lover of nature,Rain, moon, clouds, gardens, greenery in all I'm the most attracted towards. I love to be around it. I'm lover of peace, harmony and prosperity around me.

There are many people living in world having different personalities. This is the personality which makes everyone unique and different from others. Talking about myself , I'm a rare piece of myself. You can't find a person in the same way as that of mine, I am a self centered fellows, love to adore the beauty of life and achieve my dream. I have an aim that to become the Indian Administrative services. And I would do anything to achieve my goal.

I love to motivate the depressed, help the impoverished. I try to make those smile who have lost hopes, become hopeless, Who wish to end up living. I wish to make them to live lively again.

I am very fortunate to have all my friends, my dear parents ,sisters,and brother, May Allah bless them with happiness, joy and prosperity. My Allah provide them with a long life.



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